Getting Started

Example usage

Create YAML template

Brassy can create blank yaml templates for release notes. By default, brassy will name the file after your current git branch name. You can also specify a name manually, and .yaml will be appended if you do not end your file name with .yml or .yaml. You can do this with the following command:

brassy --write-yaml-template release-note.yaml

By default, the yaml template will be populated with the following fields:

bug fix
continuous integration

For example, the section for bug-fix will look like this:

  - title: ""
    description: ""

You can do anything that is valid yaml in these fields. For example:

  - title: ""
    description: |
        - Fixed a bug where the program would crash when the user thought of elephants.
        - Fixed a bug where the program would ``segfault``
          when the user looked at the button.

Adding changed files

To add what files have been changed as part of your edit you must edit the files section. For example:

    - description: |
        --output-to-console now writes generated release notes to the console.
        This is disabled by default.
        - 'src/brassy/'

Generating the changed files via git

You can run brassy with --get-changed-files (or -c) to output the files that have been modified, added, deleted or moved in the current branch as compared to the main branch. It runs on the current directory by default, but it accepts a path as an argument.

For example, the output looks like this:

brassy --get-changed-files

    added: test
    modified: test2
    deleted: test3
    moved: test4

It prints with indents for easy copy-and-pasting into your yaml files.

Generate release notes

Once you have filled out your yaml template, you can generate release notes with the following command:

brassy -o new-release-note.rst release-note.yaml

For example, if release-note.yaml contains the following:

bug fix:
- description: "This bug was really annoying"
    - ""
    - "old/"
    number: 0
    repo_url: ''
  title: "Fixed a bug"

The output will be:

Version [UNKNOWN] (2024-09-17)

 * *Bug fix*: Fixed a bug

Bug fix

Fixed a bug

This bug was really annoying


    deleted: old/

Specifying Version

You can specify the version of the release notes by using the -r or --release-version flag. For example, using the previous yaml file:

brassy -o new-release-note.rst release-note.yaml -r 1.0.0

Which would output:

Version 1.0.0 (2024-09-17)

 * *Bug fix*: Fixed a bug

Bug fix

Fixed a bug

This bug was really annoying


    deleted: old/

Specifying Date

You can specify the date of the release notes by using the -d or --release-date flag.

For example, using the previous yaml file:

brassy -o new-release-note.rst release-note.yaml -d 3000-30-30

Which would output:

Version [UNKNOWN] (2024-09-17)

 * *Bug fix*: Fixed a bug

Bug fix

Fixed a bug

This bug was really annoying


    deleted: old/

Adding Headers and/or Footers

You can add headers and/or footers to your release notes by using the -p or --prefix-file and -s or --suffix-file flags.

For example, for the following files:

This software is released via the FAKE license.

Thank you for using our software! We appreciate your support and feedback.

For more information, visit our website:

Follow us on social media:
- Twitter: @example
- Facebook: /example
- Instagram: @example

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team at

Using the previous yaml file,

brassy -o new-release-note.rst release-note.yaml -p header.txt -s footer.txt

Would output:

This software is released via the FAKE license.

Version [UNKNOWN] (2024-09-17)

 * *Bug fix*: Fixed a bug

Bug fix

Fixed a bug

This bug was really annoying


    deleted: old/

Thank you for using our software! We appreciate your support and feedback.

For more information, visit our website:

Follow us on social media:
- Twitter: @example
- Facebook: /example
- Instagram: @example

If you have any questions or need assistance, please contact our support team at

Controlling CLI Output

You can turn off fancy formatting (colors, bold, etc.) by using the --no-color/-nc flag.

You can also turn off ALL non-error outputs by using the --quiet/-q flag.


When in doubt, you can always run the help command to see what options are available:

brassy --help

Which outputs:

Usage: brassy [-h] [-t [WRITE_YAML_TEMPLATE]] [-c [GET_CHANGED_FILES]]
              [-r VERSION] [-d RELEASE_DATE] [-nc] [-p PREFIX_FILE]
              [-s SUFFIX_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--output-to-console] [-nr]
              [input_files_or_folders ...]

Generate release notes from YAML files. Entries are sorted by order in yaml
files, and by order of yaml files provided via the command line.

Positional Arguments:
                        The folder(s) containing YAML files and/or YAML files.
                        Folders will be searched recursively.

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -t, --write-yaml-template [WRITE_YAML_TEMPLATE]
                        Write template YAML to provided file. If folder
                        provided, place template in folder with current git
                        branch name as file name.
  -c, --get-changed-files [GET_CHANGED_FILES]
                        Print git tracked file changes against main. If
                        directory provided, use that directories checked-out
  -r, --release-version VERSION
                        Version number of the release. Default is '[UNKNOWN]'.
  -d, --release-date RELEASE_DATE
                        Date of the release. Default is current system time.
  -nc, --no-color       Disable text formatting for CLI output.
  -p, --prefix-file PREFIX_FILE
                        A header file to prepend to the release notes.
  -s, --suffix-file SUFFIX_FILE
                        A footer file to suffix to the release notes.
  -o, --output-file OUTPUT_FILE
                        The output file for release notes.
  --output-to-console   Write generated release notes to console.
  -nr, --no-rich        Disable rich text output
  -q, --quiet           Only output errors