CLI Arguments

Generate release notes from YAML files. Entries are sorted by order in yaml files, and by order of yaml files provided via the command line.

Usage: sphinx-build [-h] [-t [WRITE_YAML_TEMPLATE]] [-c [GET_CHANGED_FILES]] [-r VERSION] [-d RELEASE_DATE] [-nc] [-p PREFIX_FILE] [-s SUFFIX_FILE] [-o OUTPUT_FILE] [--output-to-console] [-nr] [-q] [input_files_or_folders ...]

Positional Arguments


The folder(s) containing YAML files and/or YAML files. Folders will be searched recursively.

Named Arguments

-t, --write-yaml-template

Write template YAML to provided file. If folder provided, place template in folder with current git branch name as file name.

-c, --get-changed-files

Print git tracked file changes against main. If directory provided, use that directories checked-out branch.

-r, --release-version

Version number of the release. Default is ‘[UNKNOWN]’.

Default: “[UNKNOWN]”

-d, --release-date

Date of the release. Default is current system time.

-nc, --no-color

Disable text formatting for CLI output.

Default: False

-p, --prefix-file

A header file to prepend to the release notes.

-s, --suffix-file

A footer file to suffix to the release notes.

-o, --output-file

The output file for release notes.


Write generated release notes to console.

Default: False

-nr, --no-rich

Disable rich text output

Default: False

-q, --quiet

Only output errors

Default: False

Code Docstrings